Hugh's HandBuilt - Products & Services

XS650 Hydraulic Clutch Conversion Swap Kit

THIS ITEM HAS BEEN DISCONTINUED - We'll leave the tech so you can still build it yourself though!  

Our all so popular XS650 Hydraulic Clutch Conversions were a HUGE hit.  So huge in fact, that we couldn't keep up with demand.  Most folks have noticed that we have discontinued HHB Hydraulic Clutch Conversion.  With the time and energy we were putting into these kits, we decided we needed to revamp this product.

 *The master cylinder and slave cylinder shown above are NOT included, just an example of what to look for on eBay.

Revamp the product you ask?  Well it's simple really.  All this time we had been sourcing the master cylinder and slave cylinders, getting hoses made, assembling and pre-bleeding the entire system and then assembling it with hardware to swap onto the XS650 chassis.  Meanwhile, someone on pointed out that the "Ebay Pit Bike Clutch" was almost identical to the kits we were offering. So sure enough, I ordered 4-5 of them from eBay and found out they were 90% identical to what we were offering.  We found that the hoses were too short, and the hardware was a bit lackluster, but the main components are identical, and at a much more cost effective price point...  Hrmmm....  Revamping was needed.

So what we have now, is a Complete XS650 Hydraulic Clutch Swap Kit!  This kit will allow you to purchase a Pit Bike Clutch from eBay and then use our Hose, Hardware and Instructions to install your very own HHB Hydraulic Clutch.  We've tested this on lots of XS650's and found this to be a much more cost effective solution to installing a Hydro Clutch on an XS650, and keep my sanity in check (building hundreds upon hundreds of those systems will really take a toll on ya - haha)

Here is the NEW HHB Hydraulic Clutch Swap Kit - order yourself a "Pit Bike Clutch" on eBay, modify the hardware a bit as per the install instructions listed here:  How To Install Your XS650 Hydraulic Clutch Conversion and you are up and running!

This new kit will include a brand new DOT SAE Approved hydraulic hose, and hardware needed to upgrade the pivot on the master cylinder as well as hardware to mount the slave cylinder to the side cover on your XS650.  And the best part?  This swap kit is VERY cost effective!  You can have a simple and effective Hydraulic Clutch Conversion on your XS650, and save money over what we previously offered.

Why go Hydraulic??  What, have you not been riding your XS650 with the OEM cable setup?  If you have, then you know why... 

Nonetheless, here are a few good reasons to swap over:

You can now find Neutral...  

You can now find Neutral when the bike is cold...

You can now find Neutral when the bike is hot...

No more extreme hand fatigue from the super stiff clutch pull...

Self adjusting...  Set it and forget it...  

You can now run those extra stiff clutch springs you've always wanted, without fear of too stiff of a clutch.  

Super smooth engagement and disengagement...  No more stalling in traffic (which if you are like me, is a royal PITA because I run Kick-Only, and I only stall on the steepest of hills - haha)

Limited Quantities available, so purchase now! I will do my best to keep manufacturing these kits, but as usual, we are still a small shop with limited time resources

.And as always, thank you SOOO much for your support of Hugh's HandBuilt - your continued support and praises keep us motivated to continually bring you nothing but the best in HHB goodies...
