Hugh's HandBuilt - Products & Services

Friday, February 18, 2011

Death by wheel - Spy Pics

So I haven't put up any pics anywhere of my next build.  Its in the "pile of parts" stage, though the tubing for the frame is on order, and the engine cases and all other alloy parts are all bead blasted.  I've got a set of axle plates coming from (support the site, buy some!) and the Frame jig is just waiting for something to happen.  

For me, the parts gathering stage is fun, but the best part comes from modding the parts and making them into something new.  My friend Tom over at  Deep Six Cycles was cool enough to take part in my impending doom so I headed over to his shop and got to work.  

They aren't done just yet, but you get the idea...  Stay tuned for more to come on this build, as it transforms from a pile of tubing and some bolts to a complete new build.  The goal is to have this new bike built in the next 2 months for the Big Mountain Run! 


  1. Hey Hugh, it was good to meet you today and Billy is pretty stoked about the frame.
    I'd like to get up to your place and do an article for Ratbike magazine on you.

    Paul "Wooleybugger" Resh

  2. Paul,

    It was nice to meet you as well, come on by anytime.
