Hugh's HandBuilt - Products & Services

Thursday, March 31, 2011

What is our Future?

I ran across this video a few days ago, and have watched it several times. There are certain aspects of this video that sadden me, and others that make me feel like there is more to life than making money and working behind a desk with clean fingernails...


Handmade Portraits: Liberty Vintage Motorcycles from Etsy on Vimeo.


  1. Couldn't agree with you more about the sad/happy comment. I posted the same video to my own blog a week ago, with similar emotions. I'm the guy behind the desk, though...

  2. What a fucking GREAT story. Thanks for sharing.

  3. I've had to watch this several times. It speaks volumes. So much truth in this short video. I had a desk job once after being in the plant. It was okay but I found myself spending less time at the desk and more in the shop area. Pushing paper and wearing a tie all day just left me with no feeling of having done anything. I got lucky, they promoted me to warehouse manger. The only thing I missed about the desk job was the young ladies and the perks that came with it.

  4. First of all, who else besides my father even knows what a wooleybugger is?

    Second, 18 years ago I had a boy. When he was born I just prayed that he would learn at the feet of his gearhead father. It started slowly, first with a love of speed and air on dirt bikes around our farm. Then an appreciation for "nose art". Now, it's "Gotta hurry" to me and his girlfriend because he wants to get to the shop to be with his dad. He knows the difference between the screwdrivers but I've not seen the passion for making things "right" spark in him yet. I'm hoping that his father's strong genes will prevail.

    Thanks for posting and thanks to my wonderful husband for sharing it with me because he knew I would "get it."
