Hugh's HandBuilt - Products & Services

Friday, June 3, 2011

PRICE DROP! - XS650/SR500 Riser Bushing Kits

Thats right folks, after much deliberation and due to relatively fair sales, I have quit making these myself and started having them CNC'D - which relates to more discounts for you! 

Originally $95.00 shipped, but now available for $75.00 with all new hardware. Everything you see is Made In The USA! 

Purchasing and installation information here:
Solid Riser Bushings for XS650 - SR500XS650 - SR500 Solid Riser Bushing Kit

As always, stay tuned, you never know whats going to happen around here!



  1. Was thinking to make a set of Brass risers with built in riser bushings. Do you reason this would work???? Any chance you could flick me some dimensions on the bushing section.

    Got my lathe running and bikes are here so I am inspired to play……..If I make a mess of it I might flick the job back to you...

  2. If you made some brass risers with built in bushings, that would be TRICK! If you already have the lathe ready to rock, just grab a set of calipers and start making chips... Don't take this the wrong way, but I am not readily wanting to just hand out my dimensions, that would spoil all your fun...

  3. Hiya Hugh, Amazing looking work, but do you ship to europe and if so how much would that cost?

    Do you make some sort of riser too by the way? Im looking for something simple to hold my bars in place.

    Regard Rune

  4. Enur

    No risers as of yet, but my friend Wayne Cothran over at Wicked Willies Choppers makes some SWEET risers - Check him out

  5. What about shipping to europe then?

    - Rune

  6. USPS Flat Rate - $13.95 If you want more information on shipping/purchasing - email me at
