Hugh's HandBuilt - Products & Services

Monday, July 18, 2011

Biker Metric - And other randomness

Trent Reker of BikerMetric dropped in for a bit last week, we discussed the more important things in life.  Beer, Hot Rod Engines, Women, Motersickles (as my friend Wayne would say) and of course Biker Bed Rolls from Mr. Don Wood.  

I am basically stealing this from Trent's site - but we had a good time.  Make sure to drop in on him and see what he has going on, as well as getting yourself setup with a Don Wood Biker Bedroll...

Talking about some motor goodness in the dark confines of my "Shipping Department" (AKA - Old Plywood Table next to the Washer and Dryer)
"we talked about bikes and he showed us his latest xs650 chopper with his hand made frame, notched stock wheels, motobecane tank, souped-up and re-phased motor (not in the pic below but on a shelf), and more."

 And then, after talking about Mr. Don Wood's Gypsy Biker Bedrolls, I showed Trent my grungy old biker bedroll that helped me survive the Big Mountain Run this year.  The first 2 years of the BMR I carried a fitted sheet and wore my riding clothes/jacket to sleep in...  Hey, when you gotta pack light, you pack REALLY light!  But this year, the Gyspy Biker Bedroll was the thing to have, it kept me dry and warm (and it was NEITHER for the first leg of that trip) during my escapades across NC and TN....

So we put together a quick photo-op for the Gypsy Biker Bedrolls... 

Trent says  "then he whipped out his gnarly don wood bedroll and told of how it once saved him from cats, dogs, and bears."

"he demonstrated by posing in the nude in a wild dog park outside asheville. see how tame the wild dog became when the bedroll was unfurled? we was amazed!"

 Needless to say, we had a good time...  We finished the night by going to my favorite burger joint, drinking local brew and talking more nonsense...  I look forward to doing it again...