Hugh's HandBuilt - Products & Services

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

A Friend in Need - Please Read

Got a good customer in need....  He has a little girl who is in need of some medical help, and he is out of cash.  He is parting out his beautiful XS650 Project to come up with some funds. I spoke with him this afternoon, and here is his parting thread - HELP A MAN HELP HIS LITTLE GIRL!!!!!!!!!!

As much as I would love to see this machine finished, bikes can come and bikes can go, but a Man stepping up and doing what he has to do for his lil' girl just hits my soft spot.... 

ANYONE WHO WOULD LIKE TO DONATE TO HELP, Please send "Gifts" via paypal to Bryan at 

Thanks for taking the time to read and help - its an amazing community we are a part of.



  1. I will be praying for this family and the little girl.

  2. I'll send a gift from 233 Customs in Las Vegas, NV.

  3. For everyone who has donated and mentioned Hughs page. It means the world to us and is appreciated more than you will ever know
