Hugh's HandBuilt - Products & Services

Friday, August 5, 2011

MOVING! - New Shop Space!

Thats right folks, I've finally hit maximum  capacity in my 300 Sq Ft. Basement Shop...  So with some help from a few great local friends, I have found a working location in the River Arts District in Asheville NC.  The move will take some time, and I'll have some down time in getting parts made/shipped. 

This is going to work out VERY well for future product development, and I can quit scrubbing my head on the rafters of my basement based shop finally...  Stay tuned - and thanks for your continued support



  1. super fuckin cool, congrats hugh. movin on up.

  2. Hey, I'm happy for you Hugh. Hope you keep growing it. There will be times though when you will miss that basement shop.

  3. Cool, post some inside pictures. Congrats on the expansion!!

  4. This is very cool Hugh. Myself and Aaron M. have got to get over to your place and check it out. If you need help moving stuff. Give me a shout!

  5. congratulations, hugh! can't wait to see pix of the new shop.
