Hugh's HandBuilt - Products & Services

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Meltdown 2013

This past weekend was a KILLER vintage event - The Meltdown.  It was held at the Southern Appalachian Brewery and we had a blast.  We rode down in wonderful 60 degree weather, but that was as good as it got. 

The weather was pure crap, which was nice in all reality.  I had the following conversation with my friend (and an amazing photographer) Frank Bott

Frank: In this crappy weather, only the really tough bikers show up

Hugh: No way dude, all the "tough" guys are at home watching Sons of Anarchy re-runs.  The people that actually showed up today at the people that genuinely LOVE this stuff.  

Frank:  Thats a great way to put it. 

(Some of that is paraphrased, I had a "Few" of those wonderful brews that day - haha)

You see, for me it's all about the love of two wheels (and sometimes just one, if it's a really gnarly wheelie!) and the folks that rode out in the 50 degree rain and stood in the rain talking motorbikes, drinking great brew, and having a blast - those are my kind of folks...  Diehards, and not "tough" at all really - just in love with 2 wheels.  

Another great friend of mine came down, and took an amazing amount of photos - so I'll let the photo's do most of the talking.  Enjoy it folks, this is what it's REALLY all about.

Setting up before the rain

All Smiles

Sam made it there with his freshly built XS (black)

"Shreddie" Cleveland hanging back with his Shovel, he was on guard with that many cool XS's around - ha!!

Tevan Morgan made the ride down on his XS2

Tevan entered his bike into the show, so we gave it a quick wipedown

A really strong showing of cool vintage bikes, not as big as last year due to the weather, but some great bikes for sure.

This 55' Pan took "Best American" in the show and I know for a fact that he rode it in...  That's the only way to roll in my book. 

And then the rain came down.  And damn did it come down!!

Roy Vance made a showing with "The Tennessee Rose" - nothing says "I LOVE riding like coming into a show in the 50 degree rain...  This bike gathers a crowd everywhere it goes, and being Rephased it sounds amazing too!

Tevan being himself.  I love this dude!

If you aren't bringing your baby out to motorcycle events, you probably aren't raising them proper.  But seriously, those who follow us on the blog/facebook/instagram know that my lovely Courtney and Rebecca are very integral parts of my life at HHB.  The shop is always full of family time.  I LOVE my job!!!

My lovely ladies

Just a bit wet you say??  

And of course none of us had raingear, because who thinks ahead like that??

THIS Man - you should know him...  This Frank J Bott, he is an amazing photographer and someone I'm glad to call a friend.  Google him, check out his work, and bring your bikes to him to shoot.

When not killing groundhogs, Creature prefers a life of luxury.  

Nothing says "lets roll" like a bunch of soaked to the bone helmets...  Kinda like putting on wet underwear, but worse...

Tevan's XS2 Resto-Mod Cafe' ended up taking home "Best Japanese" in the show, and then we packed up and hit the road home.  I'd say it was miserable riding, but everywhere I looked was a rider smiling like he'd never ridden before...  So yeah, get in love with 2 wheels - rain or shine!!



  1. In case y'all don't what Eddie Cleveland does on two wheels, check this out:

  2. THAT looks like a good time!! I love shows like that.
