Hugh's HandBuilt - Products & Services

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Another Rephased Engine - For an member.

277 Rephase, stock bore, stock head, Mikuni VM 34MM Roundslide Carbs, Stock Headpipes, Pamcopete Ignition XS1 Camshaft. This is a Kick Only engine, we deleted the starter and all the related shafts and gears.

Still needs to be broken in, fully tuned, camchain re-tensioned, head re-torqued and such, but this is a great running engine. The ticking you head is the valves, I run them very loose while breaking in an engine, at .006-.007" so that I can guarantee everything is getting oiled properly before final tuning and install.

Notice that this thing is SUPER loose on my test stand (only 1 bolt holding it tight), but idles smoother than any stock XS650 engine you will find.



  1. Dude, that engine even tries to go without wheels!

  2. can you explain how you wired that just to fire, I would like to check my motor to see if it runs before I dump a ton of money into this bike.


  3. Yep, Pamcopete ignition only uses 3 wires, and then I just hooked a battery to it. Super simple....

  4. what if I have a tci engine? I have been reading on all the forums and still super confused on what i need of the stock wiring harness to use just to fire up.

  5. Then I am no help to you.... Ditch that junk, go with the PMA Charging system and a Pamcopete ignition. I have NEVER been able to get a stock charging system working properly long term.

  6. crap.. alright Hugh I appreciate your time

  7. Yeah, sorry man. That stock stuff is a Nightmare to wire up... I'm a fan of "Less Is More" when it comes to wiring. This engine ran with only 2 wires hooked up...

  8. Love the sound there Hugh. Good and strong.
