Hugh's HandBuilt - Products & Services

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Polishing... Such a pain, but SOOO Worth It!

So I hired a local kid who wants to learn and earn...  Sounds good to me.  First thing I did, was toss him on some really ugly side covers and engine covers that he couldn't hurt.   A few hours later, he was in full swing and grabbing anything he could around the shop to learn how to polish.   If anyone wants to exchange a set of covers, email me at

Its been great weather lately, and when that happens, my shop gains 200% in size since I'd much rather work outside than in... 


  1. Wooley,
    We'll just have to ride up the mountain and find out!

  2. Paint stripper to remove the factory clearcoat, then lots of hand sanding from 220-600 grit, then off to the buffing wheel, using several different grades of compounds and different wheels. Lots of work in these, but they look great!

  3. Looks like you got a good polishing wheel in your shop. You can clearly see that the motorcycle parts were polished very well. They’re sparkling and they look new again. I’m pretty sure the kid you hired had learned a lot of techniques about polishing.

    >Jeanette West
