Hugh's HandBuilt - Products & Services

Monday, February 3, 2014

Engine Services and all that jazz...

Well folks,  it's February!  And with February normally comes the call for engine builds to come in.  But this year it just isn't happening...  We are still going full steam on engines from last year, and our focus will be on completing all of our current customer builds before taking any more engine builds in...

"Hey Hugh, I read that you aren't taking in any more engine builds, but what about Rephased Crank and Cams?  Are you taking those in at this time?"

The answer is YES!  Always taking in 277 Degree Rephase Work...  So don't hesistate, ship them on in.  Current waiting time is still about 2-3 from the time we get them in the door, so there is still plenty of time to get your hands on your own 277 Engine this season - "Some Assembly Required"

And Rebecca, our Official Shop Toddler, Says:

  "Dad!  There's something wrong with this one, it's not Rephased!"

We are really looking forward to all that 2014 has in store for us, thanks as always for your support.


Hugh's HandBuilt

1 comment:

  1. If that is the case, I will ship you my old crank and cam in a couple of weeks.
