Checkout the online shop for new parts and service for you ride!

Click Here for more info on parts! Thanks - Hughs.

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

New Blog, New Website, New Store, and kicking this one to the curb!

So one thing that SUCKED about our old blog, was Blogger itself, and how Facebook decided that ALL of our content was spam. This happened a few years back, and I never had time to build a new blog, and Facebook never responded to my many many requests to unblock the Hugh's HandBuilt Blog... So it fell into disrepair, left for the internet to absord and fall into the shadows...

NOT ANY LONGER! We have imported all of the old blog into the new website, and with that, I feel more comfortable being able to post up new tech, blog posts, etc.. knowing that they can be shared and cross posted. The old blog has been deleted, so check out the new one and subscribe...

I'll eventually delete this old blog, but I don't want traffic to be lost in the meantime...

Thanks folks!



  1. good post. I just stumbled upon your blog and wanted to say that
    I have really enjoyed reading your blog posts.
    Any way I'll be subscribing to your feed and I hope you post again soon.
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  2. That was kind of rough. It is very common for some of the larger sites to classify a certain site from a platform as spam or otherwise unethical even though they are doing nothing wrong. However, you have stuck to it and have found a way to get back on track.

    Russell Beck @ 5 Star Brand

  3. I'm glad you are going to have a new site. I have always enjoyed following your current blog and reading your articles, but the new site looks way better and more polished. Good work, guys, and I am excited to see what direction your work goes in next. I am always excited to see your new projects when they're posted.

    Nathanial Thorton @ VDB Ventures

  4. I had the same issue with blogger for my own blog! It was a different topic than yours, but it was still annoying. I have to say, I love your website and blog – it’s my go to place for anything bike related, and I’ve been a visitor for a couple of months now. I really appreciate all the work you put in – your passion really shows through!

    Blanca Hoffman @ Marketing The Product

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Checkout the online shop for new parts and service for you ride!

Click Here for more info on parts! Thanks - Hughs.